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Yoga Today

Yoga Today is a newsletter that brings you the latest news, articles and discussions from across the yoga industry. You’ll uncover new stories, insights, research articles, resources and more from yoga practitioners, teachers and therapists across Australia.

Citta – The Mind of Focus

If, like me, you are a fan of Patañjali’s Yogasūtras, you know that yoga’s first definition is about the mind, not the body. A snapshot of the 195 aphorisms shows that: the practice of postures (āsana) is described in three sūtras out of 195, and the word āsana is used only twice;

Insurance 101

What insurance policies should I be considering when operating a small business? Professional Indemnity insurance covers the costs associated with allegations of negligence in services or advice provided in the performance of providing your professional services.

Machinations on Meditation

There is no single direct translation in Sanskrit for the word “meditation”. It’s an umbrella term in English that can refer to many different things, there are dozens of meanings. Some varieties facilitate simple stress reduction, some describe dissolution of personality into the formless void, and others take students on journeys beyond the ordinary through several stages of curious subtlety.

Five Ways Yoga Mudras Can Transform Your Life

In this article Emma Wertheim shares with us her personal experience and knowledge of the ancient hand mudras and shares five mudras that can have a profound effect on our lives. Since 2016, mudras have added a powerful and transformative element to my daily practice. These ancient hand gestures of mysterious origin—said to be divinely received by yogic seers, activate channels of energy (Prana) in the body.

Resources for teachers

Learn, create and expand your potential with online short courses and resources for teaching, building your yoga business, marketing your offerings, engaging your students and more.

Become a member

We’re here to support your yoga journey, every step of the way. Enjoy all the benefits, perks & partner discounts, resources, ongoing professional development, events, on-demand video library, dedicated support, and more included in your new membership.

Yoga Enthusiast


A Yoga Enthusiast is someone passionate about yoga but not currently earning an income from teaching.

Yoga Teacher

From $144/year

We welcome all Yoga Teachers at any level of experience who are keen to develop themselves and support the profession.

Yoga Therapist

$33/year (add-on)

For existing members who have taken an approved Yoga Therapist Course to work within this specialised space. This adds onto your teaching membership.

Featured CPD Short Courses

Expand your knowledge and up-level your skillset with our latest CPD Short Courses, presented by Yoga Australia Senior Teachers.

Cybersecurity Primer with Reckon

When it comes to security, businesses can be at a loss when the crime occurs online. No robber hides around the corner; no corner store gets held up. In fact, cybercrime can happen in broad daylight with just a few lines of text in an email.

Vedanta Meditation & Philosophy

Vedanta is one of the key spiritual traditions of India. It sits next to Yoga and Sankhya in shaping the Hindu spiritual Lineages. This ancient tradition uses the four Vedas and in particular the Upanishads as source texts for their philosophy and its practices. Vedanta is ripe with techniques to assist Yogis and seekers of all traditions. Within the course we will explore the Miraculous teachers of Vedanta, the wisdom filled philosophy and we will partake in their practices.

Yin Yoga: Purpose and Principles

Yin yoga provides an opportunity to explore the quieter, more introspective aspects of the yoga practice, while placing a healthy amount of stress on connective tissues and nourishing subtle energy pathways. This short course introduces the intentions, benefits and principles of yin yoga.

Introduction to Ayurveda

Join Katie for an easy-to-digest introduction to one of the foundational principles of Ayurveda, the doshas. In this course you’ll look at that qualities of each type, and dosha considerations for lifestyle, yoga-asana, and the koshas.

Thanks for all that Yoga Australia do to ensure a high quality of education for new trainings, and for being a collective voice for the industry. Keep up the great work!


What is yoga?

With its roots firmly grounded in ancient eastern teachings, Yoga is recognised as a traditional system of wisdom, principles and practices derived from the Vedic teachings of India.

Yoga takes a holistic approach to the integrated and innate wisdom of the human mind-body connection, with modern science nowadays beginning to uncover and fortify these ancient teachings and the many benefits this practice holds for your biological, psychological and sociological well-being. 

Ultimately, yoga is a tool that may be used for self-discovery, stress-management, physical health & fitness, and mental & emotional wellbeing. 

Yoga Australia is the peak national body for registration and representation of Yoga professionals from all traditions and styles of yoga, independent from any one lineage or training provider.

As the peak body for yoga in Australia, we actively advocate for positive change and improvement within the profession. This includes engaging with government and the health industry, lobbying for better pay and conditions for yoga teachers, promoting a broader understanding of yoga’s benefits for health and well-being, conducting industry forums, and collaborating with stakeholders both within and outside the yoga community.

What we do