Appendix 3: Yoga Australia Engaging a Local Mentor GuidelinesĀ 


Yoga Australia represents quality training and assessment. Only courses which meet Yoga Australiaā€™s standards are granted Yoga Australia registration. These standards apply across all delivery modes whether face-to-face or external/ online education. 

The delivery method of yoga teaching training courses is changing. More schools are shifting towards delivery modes which include external education (e.g., online training) and less face-to-face contact hours. Courses that include external education components must provide the same quality training and assessment to those delivered in a face-to-face environment. Where face-to-face training is unavailable, engaging a local mentor is encouraged. 

These Guidelines are designed to assist yoga training schools in ensuring that they are delivering a quality training course that aligns with Yoga Australia standards with relation to the following Condition of Registration: 

ā€¢ Teaching RequirementsĀ 

Teaching Requirements 

Your training program must demonstrate that teacher trainees are given sufficient opportunity to learn the criteria outlined in the Yoga Australia Teacher Training Course Curriculum areas. In the area of external (online/remote) education, where face- to-face contact hours are reduced or unavailable, engaging a local mentor is encouraged.Ā 

Engaging a Local Mentor/Teacher 

Engaging a local mentor/teacher is a good strategy, especially for external education courses. It will enable the teacher trainees to have one-on-one support in a face-to-face setting with an experienced yoga teacher and it provides the local mentor/teacher an opportunity to consolidate their experience as a teacher and give back to the yoga community. 

Ideally, the local mentor/teacher should be a Level 2 or above Yoga Australia member. Where this is not available, sufficient evidence of the local mentor/teachers training background should be collected to ensure their experience level is deemed sufficient. 

Before commencing, all parties should be clear on the roles and responsibilities of the training school, local mentor/ teacher and teacher trainee. Considerations include but are not limited to: 

ā€¢ Is the arrangement on a volunteer or paid basis? If it is the latter, who is responsible for the payment? 

ā€¢ Is the teacher trainee attending regular classes with the local mentor/teacher? Is there a minimum number of classes they need to attend? How will this be documented and communicated to the training provider? 

ā€¢ Is the local teacher/mentor going to be sitting in/ participating in the teacher traineeā€™s classes for assessment purposes? How will this be documented? (See below for a Third Part Report Template for an example). 

ā€¢ How often will the local teacher/mentor and training provider be communicating? What is the strategy for communication? 

ā€¢ Whose insurance does this relationship fall under?

Example Third Party Report 

Name of Teacher Trainee: 
Name of Local Mentor/Teacher: 
Name of Teacher Trainer: 
Instructions to Teacher Trainee:
You are required to conduct a yoga class. You will need to arrange a group of people to teach (minimum of 5 people) and your local mentor/teacher to be there. When people arrive at the class you must carry out relevant communications and record keeping. Feedback should be collected from all participants and this third-party report is to be filled out by your Local Mentor/Teacher. The class must be recorded and the video is to be submitted to your trainer with all the relevant documentation. 
Instructions to Local Mentor/Teacher:
Check YES or NO as to whether you witnessed the teacher trainee demonstrate the following: YES NO 
Plan and develop a yoga class according to the chosen style or tradition, taking into consideration student needs and health conditions. 
Undertake a student intake, including eliciting information regarding student needs and health conditions. 
Appropriate communication skills.   
Consideration of student needs and learning styles.   
Effective observational skills for teaching groups of learners.   
Interpersonal considerations such as:ā€¢ personal space and permission
ā€¢ cultural backgrounds. 
Use of the principles of good teaching, demonstration and assisting, including verbal, visual and tactile methods.   
Safely and effectively teach and demonstrate yoga practices.   
Observe and safely and effectively assist students in their yoga practices.   
Manage teacher ā€˜self-careā€™ in the teaching of yoga.   
Receive and act upon student feedback.  
Understand the role of supervision or mentoring while undertaking practicum.   
Engage with a local teacher/mentor while undertaking practicum.   
Teacher Trainee Signature: Date:
Local Mentor/ Teacher: Date: