Become a Member

Choose your membership type

Yoga Enthusiast


A Yoga Enthusiast is someone passionate about yoga but not currently earning an income from teaching.

Yoga Teacher


Perfect if you have entered the exciting world of yoga teaching and are keen to develop into a fully fledged yoga professional.

Yoga Therapist

$33/year (add-on)

For current teaching members who have taken an approved Yoga Therapist Course to work within this specialised space.

What do I need?

  1. You will need to provide:  
  • The name of your Yoga Teacher Training School 
  • A copy of your Teacher Training Certificate/s 
  • A copy of your valid First Aid Certificate (except Student/Enthusiast members) 
  • Personal contact details & credit card for payment of your membership (in full) 
  1. Check to see if the Teacher Training you have completed is registered with Yoga Australia or Yoga Alliance. If the course is not registered with either association, we may need you to supply a course outline as well. 
  1. If the Teacher Training you completed was not registered with Yoga Australia, a $99 application fee will apply.

How do I get started?

Step 1. Select your Membership Level from the options which will be added to your ‘cart’. 

Step 2. Go to Cart to submit personal contact information and organise the payment. 

Step 3: Complete the Online Application Form in full (after the payment page) then click Submit. 

Step 4. Review of Application by Yoga Australia to check payment and all documents before approving and setting up your membership. Please allow 5-7 business days for this step. 

If you need to follow up or have any questions, please email [email protected]  

Typical Membership Journey

I feel that I’m supported in Yoga Australia and that all teachers should be members for all the benefits.
As an industry you are our collective voice.


Yoga Australia provides a level of professional support, education and compassionate care to yoga teachers of all traditions and lineages. As the peak body for yoga in Australia, they are the go-to. Their level of service and representation is fantastic – I highly recommend them!
