Sarcha Thurston 150 Hour Mentoring Program
Our 150hr Mentoring Program for Yoga Teachers
This program is designed for yoga teachers who are seeking more personal training and one-to-one mentoring from Sarcha and her highly experienced teaching faculty to build on skills gained in foundational yoga teacher training. Our mentoring program is strictly limited to 8 people for each intake to ensure our participating teachers have an immersive and meaningful learning journey, and graduate with a intellectually integrated and embodied knowledge of yoga, that can be applied in both teaching and practice.
This program has five important areas of focus.
Teaching and responding to the individual person.
Trainees will work with real students alongside the senior trainer in classes that are not ‘led’, but comprised of individual practice and teaching, in a group setting. Therefore, the trainee will have the opportunity to ask questions, practice teaching and adjusting under the direct guidance of the senior teacher on various bodies of varying age and ability. The teaching is client catered, progressing and modifying the practice in the best interests of the client’s health and wellbeing. The purpose of this section is to promote learning through observation and direct instruction from the senior teacher as she works with real students. The trainee will be guided, observed and encouraged to provide teaching and adjustments to the senior teacher’s students within the range and scope of their skills and confidence.
Skilful and intelligent sequencing.
Lean to teach our signature classes at Yogahub. Working with our team of skillful and senior teachers, we will teach you sequences for our most popular yoga classes, and support you in developing your own class plans. After this module you’ll be encouraged to fill in teach for staff teachers at Yogahub.
Deeper studies into the most important spiritual texts of yoga.
This part of the program focuses on taking you deeper into Sanskrit chanting, Patanjali’s Sutras and Vedanta Studies. This is important because if a client asks a question about a philosophical/spiritual aspect of yoga, a competent yoga teacher will be able to answer it. In addition, yoga philosophy is deeply rich with wisdom that we can draw from to grow spiritually in the right direction. These ancient teachings are still highly relevant for making sense of the modern world today. Therefore, study yoga philosophy will also help you live a great life!
Therapeutic Specialities.
This section offers trainees two specialled therapeutic modules to inform your teaching. Trauma in the Context of Yoga & Pain Science and Application to Yoga.
A requirement of the program is to devote some time to progressing in your own practice under the guidance of a advanced practitioner / senior teacher than yourself. There is no better person to learn from that one that has already walked the path before you.
The Yogahub 150hr Teacher Training program is fully recognised and registered with Yoga Australia and is 6 months in duration. If the student has not completed our foundational training (200hr) we recommend taking some additional modules.
Perks: 20% off our Access All Areas Membership for the year of your training.
For details and a prospectus please contact Sarcha.