2 CPD points will be automatically allocated to your dashboard on completion of this course.
The practice of mudras has been around for thousands of years in India, China, and Japan. Mudras are hand gestures or positions that seal energy into the body, and can be used in combination with breathwork, visualization, and mantra. Mudras engage certain areas of the brain and exercise a corresponding influence on them, and they were originally used as a form of sign language. There are hundreds of mudra-gestures formed by ancient yogis and sages, but they are all based on four basic hand positions. Mudras can be used to bring about emotional balance, connect to intuition, and heal the physical body.
Learning outcomes include
- Understand the definition and origins of mudras in yoga practice and the science behind how mudras work.
- Identify different types of mudras and their corresponding meanings and benefits, learn the effects of mudras on the physical, mental, and emotional body
- Practice a mudra sequence
- Develop the ability to incorporate mudras into yoga sequences and classes
About the Teacher
Rachel Zinman
Rachel Zinman has been practising since 1983, teaching since 1992 and teaching teachers since 2000. She’s studied with some of the most influential teachers in the west including Alan Finger and Mark Whitwell as well as immersing herself in the study of Vedanta. 
She is the Author of Yoga for Diabetes, How to Manage your Health with Yoga and Ayurveda and writes for online and in print magazines including Australian Yoga Journal and Australian Yoga Life. 
2 CPD points will be automatically allocated to your dashboard on completion of this course.