Getting the right start for your yoga business
When you establish a business you start with a great idea and lots of enthusiasm. This was me 20 years ago. Over a glass of wine, a few friends and I developed a business name and wrote out a statement identifying what the business would do.
Then reality hit. How do I run a small business?
I had a general idea of what was required; I had been managing budgets and staff in my workplace. But I realised my current skills and knowledge were far from sufficient to successfully operate a business.
I suddenly felt very alone.
I initially struggled to find good management information; but I also knew even if I had the information, I did not necessarily have the skills and experience to use it. Friends recommended I tap into my local government business support services that ran a Business Enterprise Centre (BEC).
It’s the best thing I did!
Now I pass my experience to you: avoid a lot of worry and anxiety, especially in the early stages of your yoga business, by taking advantage of the experience, skills and resources available in your business community.
A Business Enterprise Centre (BEC) is a community based, not for profit, small business assistance organisation. They partner with the Commonwealth and State Governments, private enterprise and local communities across Australia to provide support to new businesses as they are established, and in ongoing development and growth.
Business Enterprise Centres Australia website:
BEC Australia is a nationwide network of more than 70 offices across every state and territory, providing low cost business advisory services to people intending to establish a business, and to those who already operate a small business.
To find the Centre nearest to you anywhere in Australia, click this link and use the locator map. A list of BECs with contact details and the services offered are also available on the Yoga Australia website members’ section in the Business of Yoga link (Small Business Support)
There are many services available from the Centres but not every service is at every Centre, so contact your local one to discuss what you are looking for. They do offer advice on where you may be able to access what you need if they cannot help you.
BECs also offer:
MENTORING SUPPORT: Business mentoring for support can be extremely useful and is offered for start-up and established small and micro businesses.
BUSINESS ANALYSIS: Research on business feasibility, business planning and advice on purchasing a business.
BUSINESS PLANNING: How successful is your established business? How to improve through business planning and marketing.
BUSINESS INFORMATION: Tax, for example GST, CGT & PAYG, business registration, federal, state and local legislation that can impact your business.
TRAINING PROGRAMS: Available face to face, one on one, group situation or online. Topics include:
Starting a Business, Financial Management, Record keeping, Marketing, Human Resources, Leadership & Management Skills, Business Compliance, Business planning, Customer service, Social media for business
Some BECs are registered training organisations (RTOs) and offer courses such as Certificate IV Small Business.
BUSINESS REFERRALS: A network of local professionals such as local accountants, solicitors, marketing consultants, financial planners etc.
GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS: Government grants, programs and initiatives that your business may be eligible for. Grants change regularly so discuss them with your BEC Business Advisor.
BUSINESS NETWORKING: Encouraging local businesses to meet each other and share experiences, developing strategic alliances and establishing local community liaisons.
GENERAL MANAGEMENT: internet service providers, online access centres, access to finance, event planning and facilitation and office services.
They also offer access to a range of regular business seminars, workshops and skills training. By using their services you can also network with other like-minded people in your area and gather information on government grants and financial assistance.
BECs are based in your community and understand local issues so they are well positioned to provide information and assistance that is relevant to your local yoga community. If the assistance you require is not available at your local BEC, remember you can call upon other BECs to assist you.
They also often have a local newsletter keeping you informed of local business news and events in your business area.
So what happened in my journey? Thanks to a great start from my local BEC, I ran a very successful health services consulting business for many years — I loved it. But this was just another step in my life’s journey. I have had many more steps since then. Today I am the owner of my own yoga business.
Best wishes with your yoga business journey; you will experience many highs and lows but it will be a wonderful and growing experience. Remember your yoga friends are always there to help you.
Services offered by Business Enterprise Centres Australia: