CPD Course: From the Ground Up- Functional Foot Placement for all Students


In this course, we will explore how to teach the main standing asana based on functional anatomy and feet placement. Once we have a solid foundation, we can cultivate a feeling of stability, strength and ease in any asana. We are all so different and one alignment cue does not suit all bodies.

This course will help you explore potential variations for feet placement in Tadasana, Virabhadrasana I & II, Trikonasana and Parsvottanasana.  

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Are you confused about where to place the feet in standing poses?  

Have you found different teachers teach different alignment cues?  

Have some of your students struggled to find steadiness in these poses?  

In this course, we will explore how to teach the main standing asana based on functional anatomy and feet placement. Once we have a solid foundation, we can cultivate a feeling of stability, strength and ease in any asana. We are all so different and one alignment cue does not suit all bodies.

This course will help you explore potential variations for feet placement in Tadasana, Virabhadrasana I & II, Trikonasana and Parsvottanasana.  


A house is built from the foundation up and so too, is a well build asana. The importance of how to use the feet and where to put the feet can sometimes be lost to the more obvious and attractive position of the spine, arms or the hips. But if the feet are set appropriately, the rest of the body follows suit to find integrity and balance in the whole body. This course explains the importance of the appropriate distance of the feet in standing poses, the importance of grounding through the three points on each foot and how a stable foundation can effect the breath too.

Once we have a solid foundation, we can cultivate a feeling of stability, strength and ease in any asana. Each asana we perform can create a particular “bhavana”, or inner quality which emanates from within and can shift not just the physical body, but the student’s mood, mind and expression. When feeling unsteady on the feet, it causes unease in the whole body. Conversely, when feeling steady on the feet, we cultivate a quality of strength, clarity, power and peace.

This course contains 7 videos which will explore potential variations of feet placement in Tadasana, Virabhadrasana I & II, Trikonasana, Parivritti Trikonasana and Parsvottanasana.

This is an experiential course, so you will need a mat and comfortable clothes for you to follow along and try out some of the tips and tricks in these standing asana.

About the Teacher

Ginny Clarke is a registered senior yoga teacher with Yoga Australia, a yoga therapist and is the co-owner of Living Peace Yoga, Lake Macquarie, Australia.

She has been leading Yoga Teacher Trainings since 2016 and is dedicated to mentoring other yoga teachers to find their highest potential. She has been teaching yoga since 2002 and her passion is to help people know their body and mind intimately through the vast array of techniques and wisdom which yoga offers.

Her aim is to help students find balance, clarity, vitality and wellbeing in body, breath, prana and mind, so that they have an opportunity to connect back to the soul.