Making the Most of Your Membership

This article will guide you through a breakdown of the features available inside a Yoga Australia Teaching Membership. Please read the article carefully for tips on how to make the most of your membership and optimise your public Teacher profile.

In the video session, we’ll take you through using the Member platform to provide you with instructions to manage each component of your member Dashboard with confidence.

Learn about:

  • Uploading CPD activity and where to find CPD resources
  • Enhancing your teaching Bio to include photo, links, testimonials, teaching experience + contact details
  • Documents and Filing systems for important membership notices
  • Locate your Membership number and Certificate
  • Access your Teaching Badges/ Training Provider Badges
  • Listing an event on the Yoga Australia website
  • Where to find past email newsletters
  • Locate upcoming Official Yoga Australia events to attend

What attendees said:

Thank you Erin, Samantha and Team, I found this session immensely helpful and valuable and recommend it to all members at Yoga Australia. The website is quite amazing in it’s many levels. 

Your presentation was really professional and warm. I am impressed with your handling of technology. Keep up your professional and friendly standards, and many students will benefit from Yoga.

Note: Yoga Australia members who are logged in can see the video for free.

Header and profile image

Upload your profile picture (recommended size is 300px x 300px) and a banner image (1945px x 450px).

Membership level and associated registrations 

Your membership level and associated training provider and mentor status are listed here and visible to the public. Note that your member number is listed here but is not visible to the public. 

New member numbers: please note, due to a growing member base and new membership system, all members have been allocated a new member number. 


Your central area for membership activities. Here you’ll find: 

  • A visual snapshot of your annual CPDs and teacher training hours and teaching experience. Click the top right arrow on the CPD tracker to view a list of your logged CPDs. You can record your CPDs or hours by clicking the plus sign. These features will be further explained in the next 2 points. 
  • Your membership anniversary/expiry date. In your renewal month, a renewal link will become visible. 
  • We use this area to post important and timely membership announcements and information. 
  • Any upcoming Yoga Australia events that you’ve booked into will be listed here. 
  • Find links to all our current and past event and newsletter emails. 

My Profile

Every teaching member registered with Yoga Australia has a public teaching profile displayed on our website. Your Bio is a blank canvas to present the information you would like to share publicly. Here are some examples of what your Bio could include: 

  • Preferred Contact Method, such as Email, mobile, social accounts, website. 
    Please note: If no contact email/number is shared in the bio, no one will be able to contact you. 
  • Class Timetable: Where & when you are teaching. 
  • Qualifications & experience: Courses/ Training completed. 
  • Testimonials, reviews and references from students, teachers, colleagues. 
  • Industry Achievements: Presenting, speaking or exhibiting activities, volunteer positions, writing a book or featured article. 

Important Note: this information also feeds through to our Teacher directory. The directory uses words as search terms, so make sure you use all key words you’d liked to be searchable for in your Bio (such as your yoga style, location, anything unique you’d like to be searchable for, etc). 

List an Event or Workshop

Simply complete the included form to have your community based workshop or event listed on the Yoga Australia website. Your event will become visible to the public once approved.
NOTE: Teacher Training and Professional Development Courses must be submitted for registration with Yoga Australia and NOT listed here. 

Upload CPD Points

Use the CPD form to log CPDs throughout your membership year. Points will be added to your CPD Tracker (located on your Dashboard). Learn more about changes to CPD’s and how to use the tracker here: Your CPD tracker resets with every new membership year (points return to zero and entries are cleared, but remain visible to staff). Please note that documentation loaded into this form is for staff only. If you would like your associated documents saved to your account, make sure you upload them into your Documents section.

Update Career Tracker

Use the form to add your summary of teaching experience hours and teacher training hours to your Career Tracker (located on your Dashboard) to help you keep track of your career journey. This is only visible to you and Yoga Australia staff. When applying to upgrade your membership, you’ll be asked to show evidence to support your hours. Hours logged here accrue and remain for the duration of your membership. Please note that documentation loaded into this form is for staff only. If you would like your associated documents saved to your account, make sure you upload them into your Documents section. 

Upgrade My Membership

Use this form to upgrade your membership. Your application will be sent to staff members for processing, and you’ll be notified with the outcome. There is no cost to upgrade your teaching membership. Please note that documentation loaded into this form is for staff only. If you would like your associated documents saved to your account, make sure you upload them into your Documents section. 

Badges & Certificates

View and download your Yoga Australia member certificate and badges. 

Account Settings & Billing

Manage your account details including your name and address. 

My Invoices & Membership

Manage your membership subscription and get a snapshot of your invoices, membership status and upcoming payments. 


Organise relevant documents into folders for safe keeping (e.g. insurance, CPDs, teacher training certificates, First Aid, etc) 


Create a showcase of relevant photos for your public bio. 

Teaching Resources

Expand your knowledge with our library of multi-media resources, such as recordings of CPD sessions, articles, and podcasts. 

CPD Short Courses

Our CPD Short Courses have been created by skilled and experienced Senior Teachers. More elaborate than a simple webinar, our CPD Short Courses involve reading, watching, and completing a quiz at the end. Upon successful completion, points are automatically added to your CPD Tracker. 

If you have any questions, please reach out to our friendly staff [email protected] or call us on 1300 881 451.