Yoga Today

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Yoga Therapy in Australia: A Path Forward

In a world where centralised policy-making often overshadows our voices, we’ve witnessed another sweeping decision.. The Department of Social Services (DSS) has confirmed that Yoga…

Live Longer by Being Bendy

There is research to suggest that you can live longer by being able to bend. Yoga Australia’s very own Rebel Tucker was interviewed on Perth…

The Importance of Psychosocial Safety in Yoga

It often comes as a surprise People outside of the Yoga profession are often surprised to learn that bad bosses and exploitation are just as…

Deciphering yoga styles in Australia

Despite the science about yoga’s benefits not being well understood, 1.4 million people are said to have practiced it in Australia during the 2022–23 financial…

A Grateful Life Podcast: On Celebrating Yoga with Merridy Woodroffe

Podcast Host: Dr Lauren Tober This podcast episode is to celebrate our sponsor, Yoga Australia’s 25th year anniversary. And joining us is their Vice President,…

The Evolution of Children and Teens Yoga

Addressing Modern Needs Are you aware of the growing challenges children and teens face every day? What if the yoga techniques you already know could be…