Yoga Today

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Understanding Mind-Body Type — Importance for Yoga

For every person, there is a specific yoga practice that is suitable for their body type, whether it is food, lifestyle or exercise. For example,…

How to sensitively talk to your students who are going through fertility challenges

The following are just some of things that triggered me personally during my own unique fertility battle (read more here). Everyone is different and so will have…

Stages of the IVF process in relation to yoga practice

I thought it would be helpful to shine a light on what it feels like to go through IVF. This is just my humble opinion…

A yoga teacher journey through IVF

I am not an expert or a medical professional but I have fought and won my own substantial fertility battle. Quite often fertility is a…

Planning Your Yoga Business

In the last business support article the key features of the four different business structures (sole trader, partnership, company and trust) were outlined. The next…

Getting the right start for your yoga business

When you establish a business you start with a great idea and lots of enthusiasm. This was me 20 years ago. Over a glass of…