Teacher Information

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Yoga Information

Yoga Style

Vinyasa, Yin Yoga, Yoga Nidra



Fiona (Fi) facilitates both Yin and Vinyasa styles of yoga and is a passionate practitioner of Ayurveda.

Both styles complement our busy modern lives. Yin yoga works on the fascia and softer tissues of the body, while Vinyasa yoga encourages the movement of energy around the body, finding a balance, between both strength and flexibility.

As a self-confessed philosophy nerd, Fi takes a functional approach to her teaching style and aims to deliver classes to the modern yogi with a playful exploration of the various asanas and guide students to explore their own unique practice, by encouraging her students to feel their bodies and listen to their intuition. She believes that yoga should be a personal experience, not a competition, and therefore encourages her students to focus on their own journey rather than comparing themselves to others. She weaves yoga philosophy into her classes, imparting wisdom and insights that can be applied both on and off the mat.

As an advocate for overall well-being, Fi’s teachings extend beyond the physical aspect of yoga, emphasising the importance of mindfulness, mental clarity, and emotional balance. She encourages her students to incorporate yoga into their daily lives, both as a form of exercise and a means of stress relief. Fiona believes that the practice of yoga can help people reduce stress levels, increase strength and flexibility, improve balance, and promote post-workout recovery.


Connect with Fi on Instagram @yogawithfi

Join the Yoga with Fi  Facebook group to keep up to date on yoga tips, events and classes, or email directly [email protected]