150-hour bridging Yoga Teacher Training Course


Online Yoga Teacher Training Course YTTC – 150-hours / 6-months

Introduction – This 150-hour / 6-month Online (bridging) Yoga Teacher Training Course (YTTC) is specifically designed for yoga teachers who aspire to further their yoga studies, providing a clear and effective method to progress and build upon the course work of a completed 200-hour YTTC.

Eligibility – Before undertaking this 150-hour yoga teacher training course, a teacher must provide verifiable proof of completion of a 200-hour YTTC, be 18 years or older, with a minimum of 3 years of personal yoga practice experience.

The YTTC is not designed for those wishing to become advanced yoga practitioners. Certainly, through the continued development of your personal practice in this YTTC you may improve your technique, skill & understanding, but primarily in this YTTC you learn how to teach key yoga asana’s, simple pranayama, as well as manage common health conditions, to an absolute beginner student, through to a general level student.

Yoga teacher training can be an intense and at times a slow process. It is vital that you & your training teacher have a solid working relationship and open communication. Please get in touch if you wish to discuss your readiness to embark on the training.

Treading the Path – The basis of this YTTC lies in the cultivation of a regular personal yoga practice along with an exploration and study of yogic principles and wisdom, and development of observation and adjusting skills. The emphasis is also on how to teach to the particular experience level of yoga students, as well as provide modifications due to minor injuries or common health issues. Practical guidance is offered throughout the training on how to approach this. YTTC requires a dedicated commitment to ongoing personal practice and self-study, therefore it is important that participants be self-motivated. It is up to you how much you embrace the content in this course. You are encouraged to take the step in becoming self reliant by engaging with the course content proactively.

This 150-hour online YTTC is offered through the lens of the Iyengar Yoga technique, and participants are guided to explore the many aspects of yoga, practice and teaching, as well as the practicalities of becoming a professional yoga teacher.

This bridging YTTC, is spread over a 6-month timespan and is delivered in two ways. Month-to-month content via YTTC PDF manuals which include short personal practice sequences and practical based ‘study guide’ assignments that help direct your yoga studies, and Zoom sessions (2 per month) where we can discuss and workshop the practical YTTC course-work, such as alignment based techniques and hands-on adjusting skills.

YTTC is structured to prepare participants to be confident provisional yoga teachers after graduation –
150-hour YTTC graduates are encouraged to apply for Level 1 Teacher membership with Yoga Australia.

Course Category
Professional Development CoursesOther General PD Courses
Still Move Yoga
Delivery Mode
Online - LiveOnline - Self paced