HLL01 BioMedical Yoga Therapy – Mental Wellbeing


Understand how the body and mind work together, as well as why and how specific practices can alleviate the detrimental effects of a disconnected and apprehensive lifestyle. During this weekend yoga retreat you will be guided in understanding and applying state-of-the-art science and traditional wisdom to practices that assist the self and other in releasing and overcoming states of stress, anxiety, insomnia, and depression.

People have a hard time letting go of their suffering. Out of a fear of the unknown, they prefer suffering that is familiar.

~ Thich Nhat Hanh

Suffering is grace.

Suffering is optional.

Suffering exists to wake us up.

When you begin to see that your enemy is suffering, that is the beginning of insight.

~Thich Nhat Hanh

If the above teachings speak to you in any way, then it might be a consideration to complete this training. Some people attend primarily for professional development, others for personal development. However, it is your own personal inner work, the transformation of your own suffering that allows us to hold another’s suffering with both gentility and compassion.

This retreat on Yoga for Mental Health will merge science & spirituality and assist us to ease the suffering within ourselves.

By developing insight into the teachings of oneness and impermanence, we can hold and embody these teachings for others.

We learn to engage fully in the moment, the breath, our bodies to truly observe and see the miracle unfolding in front of us.

The recordings included in this training will provide an immersive experience of evidence-based science and evidence-informed practice combined with ancient applications for overcoming suffering and moving towards physical and mental liberation through the art of clinical yoga therapy. It will introduce the theory and research behind the neuroscientific link between meditation, yoga, and natural therapeutic remedies to the body’s reactive states. Clinical yoga therapy for mental health offers practical wisdom for overcoming anxiety, stress and irritability.

These recordings will also assist you in understanding the innate energetic connection between body, mind, emotional states and breathing, and explore the BioMedical Yoga Therapy for Mental Health, particularly looking at depression, low mood, and melancholia. You will come to understand the deep mind-body connection through the science of psychoneuroimmunology and explore your posture and stance along with facial posture, microexpressions, and vocal tones as avenues to overcoming low mood or negative mental states. You will be offered guidance in asana on cultivating certain states of mind and body through top-down and bottom-up processing, using sankalpa and bhavana in yogic terms.

In addition, utilising the Kundalini Yoga Medical Model by David Shannahoff-Khalsa and the protocols for use for addictions and mental health issues, you will be guided to understand addiction as a way in which we view and process life – not as a specific attraction to a harmful substance. We aim to see addictions and mental health issues from a different perspective in accordance with Yoga sutra 2.16, creating a “future free from suffering”.

Yoga has the word out on mental health, with evidenced based practices that support a return to health; it is a boon to your body and your brain!

What You Will Learn

  • Depiction of Health and Well-being: Where East Meets West
  • Mind-Body Medicine: Tradition in the East
  • Mind-Body Medicine: Tradition in the West
  • An Overview of Mental Health
  • Understanding Mental Health Related Disorders
  • Understanding the Ayurvedic Emotional Body
  • Understanding Theoretical Ayurvedic Principles for Mental Health
  • Understanding Practical Ayurvedic Principles for Mental Health
  • BioMedical Yoga Therapy for Mental Health Retreat Videos
  • Option to Extend your Knowledge of BioMedical Yoga Therapy for Mental Health

Course Video Preview


BIYOME’s Higher Level Learning can be undertaken as Continuing Professional Development (CPD) with Yoga Australia and may obtain Continuing Education (CE) recognition with Yoga Alliance. The course contact hours non-contact hours (CPD’s and CE’s), allocated across the two registering yoga bodies, do however differ. Please contact us for more information. 

Should you wish to complete a full yoga certification (150 hours – 650 hours), please see details available here.

About the teachers

Celia Roberts BSc Senior Yoga Teacher and Yoga Therapist

Leanne Davis, Senior Teacher, Yoga Therapist

Samantha Lindsay-German, Kundalini Yoga, Senior Teacher

Course Category
Professional Development CoursesOther General PD CoursesProfessional Development for Yoga Therapists
Delivery Mode
Online - Self paced