Renew your Membership Subscription

Membership Portal FAQ

Here is your helpful guide with screenshots to help you update your membership preferences.
Click the questions below to take you straight to the guide.

How to renew your membership?

If it’s time to renew your membership, here are some simple steps to follow:

1. Log into your member portal (aka as member dashboard)

2. My Invoices & Memberships

In your member portal, along the left hand side column, click on “My Invoices & Memberships”.

If you have multiple memberships (Registered Yoga Teacher, Registered Yoga Therapist, Registered Courses or Registered Professional Development Courses) each membership will have its own box.

Look for the memberships with Registered Teacher. The billing period will state annual, bi-annual or quarterly. Contact us if you would like to change your billing frequency.

Click on the “Renew Now” button.

3. Check out

On the left hand side, check billing details are up to date. Make sure your email remains the same. Please be aware that notes in Additional Information/Order notes (Optional) are rarely seen by staff. Contact us if you would like to change your email or have a question/request.

Select existing credit card to make payment or select “Use a new payment method” to use a new card.

Alternatively, you can opt to pay via Direct Bank Transfer (shown in yellow). Please allow 2-3 business days for your renewal payment to be confirmed and your membership to become active again.

Click the “Renew Subscription” button to confirm.

4. Renewal Complete

Once your order or payment has been completed you will receive a confirmation email.

How to turn ON or OFF Auto Renew?

1. Click on Auto renew setup

In My Invoices & Membership, locate the membership (Teacher, therapist, course, etc) in the Product table you wish to set up.

In the same box row, on the right hand side you will see “Auto renew” either On or Off. Click on “setup” to update preferences.

2. Slide Auto renew Switch to ON or OFF

To turn Auto renew – ON
Slide the switch to the right to turn ON auto – renew. The wording below will update to “Payment”, “Via visa or mastercard ending in XXXX”.

To turn Auto renew – OFF (Screenshot example below)
Slide the switch to the left to turn OFF auto – renew. The wording below will update to “Payment”, “Via Manual Renewal.

After sliding auto renew switch to the left, the payment updates to “Via Manual Renewal. Your auto renew preferences are now updated and complete.

3. To doube check auto-renew is updated / return to My Invoices & Memberships (Member portal)

Click on your web browser “back button”

In my Invoices & Memberships, the Auto renew should match the preferences you updated it too. All done!

If you get stuck contact us, and a friendly staff member will get back to you!