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The Insight of Oneness

April 25 @ 9:30 AM 12:30 PM AEST

Oneness – Oneness is experienced through many spiritual and religious practices and is part of the awakened brain experience. The experience of oneness occurs when we become one with the rhythm of life. Here, the parietal lobes tend to show a reduction in blood flow as we experience oneness or unity. The parietal lobes are responsible for our sense of self in relation to the world. The parietal lobes have a significant reduction in blood flow as we experience oneness and loss of separate self. The parietal lobes are affected during prayer or spiritual practice, which gives rise to a loss of self, time and space, opening the mind into states of samadhi. We become one with all. To have a deeper spiritual understanding is to realise that we are all one. Not only is this philosophically beneficial, but the evidence here shows how it can be mentally and physically beneficial. Spirituality is not just an idea but a deeper alignment with our truest nature.

We will explore one-ness in its truest form with meditation practice and explorer the following self-enquiry questions to awaken human consciousness:

  • Who is thinking, seeing, observing?
  • Do we create our reality?
  • Do our pain and our past create our present moment?
  • If we do not create our ultimate reality, who does?

Let us explore a level of enlightened consciousness….oneness with all.


April 25
9:30 AM – 12:30 PM AEST
Event Category:


Celia Roberts
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Upper Brookfield, Queensland 4069 Australia
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