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Vedic Meditation – Mantra Meditation & Marma Point Sound Healing

November 14 @ 9:30 AM 12:30 PM AEST

With Celia Roberts (Ayurveda), Anita Cassidy Bowman (Nada Yoga), & Tumul Dubey (Sanskrit)

Sound is the vehicle of transcendence that we will explore during this meditation retreat. Using the practice of mantra, we will facilitate the flow of prana through the marma points, essential energy centres in the body. Mantras act as a protective shield, known as “kavacha” in Sanskrit, and this retreat will teach you how to use sound to heal and protect these vulnerable areas. Through this integration of mantra and marma therapy, you will discover how to promote physical, emotional, and energetic well-being. Mantras are considered to be asanas, or yoga postures, for the mind.

The retreat introduces Mantra Purusha, a daily practice that blends the ancient Sanskrit alphabet with the body’s sound vibrations to nourish and heal each marma point. This Ayurvedic approach can help you achieve greater self-awareness, inner peace, spiritual growth, and enlightenment. We invite you to join us for this special end-of-year retreat and immerse yourself in the transformative power of sound, mantra, and marma point healing. Secure your spot and embark on this unique journey towards balance and transcendence and be graced by the beautiful Vedic chants of three teachers who fully live by and immerse themselves in the Vedic science of sound and healing.


November 14
9:30 AM – 12:30 PM AEST
Event Category:


Celia Roberts
View Organiser Website
Upper Brookfield, Queensland 4069 Australia
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