CPD Course: Sequencing for Vayus


Learn how to sequence for the vayus to create targeted classes that can cater specifically to students’ individual needs.

The vayus – as subdoshas of vata – are best understood as movements of energy within the body that govern a range of physical, mental and emotional functions (e.g. the digestion of food and assimilation of life experiences, the ability to eliminate waste from the body and let go of old patterns of behaviour and thought etc).

The healthy functioning of the vayus can be influenced using asana practices (inclusive of techniques such as bandha, pranayama and meditation) to target individual vayus and influence the physical, mental and emotional functions they govern.

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Yoga teaches that the changes we experience physically and mentally are preceded by changes in our subtle-energetic landscape. Therefore, if we understand how our subtle-energetic landscape works we can impact the health and functioning of our physical body and psychological processes.

One lens through which we can explore this is that of the vayus (the subdoshas of vata). Learning how to impact the vayus through sequencing (inclusive of asana, pranayama, meditation, bandha etc) allows us to design targeted classes with a degree of precision when it comes to their impact on people’s lives (in a way that is harder to do if we’re focused on the biomechanics of poses alone).

In this course, you will learn what the vayus are, what physical, mental and emotional functions they govern, and how to target the vayus through yoga sequencing. The course includes a combination of video material, written material (and diagrams) and audio practices.